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It's that time again - Annual Harley Davidson Red Cross Oncology Ward Christmas Party!


It's that time again - Annual Harley Davidson Red Cross Oncology Ward Christmas Party!

On Friday 24 November this year, Quagga Property Brokers in partnership with Flux Communications and The Harley Davidson Club of Cape Town will once again be hosting our annual Harley Davidson Red Cross Oncology Ward Christmas party for approximately 150 ill, but completely AMAZING children. This is our 13th year that we are doing the party and since its humble beginnings in 2004, the party has now become an institution in itself, and something the kids start looking forward to at the beginning of each year. It is one day where these sick kids get to be just KIDS - to have some fun and get spoilt!

We have had some incredible companies on-board with us from the word go, and some newer ones joining over the years, helping us to make this party bigger and better each year, and without whom we simply would not be able to achieve do what we for these kids. With all of the goodies we are able to give each of the kids, the party would cost us over R30k to organise, which is not a small amount at all. �So to the companies below we are HUGELY indebted (in no particular order):�
Harley Davidson Club of Cape Town and all of the other Harley Davidson Groups and Clubs in Cape Town��
Quagga Property Brokers
Bargain Books SA
Golden Spur Steak Ranch
Cuppy Cake Queen
Pick 'n Pay�
Pam Golding Properties�
Catering Supply Services / Frozen Food Distributors�
Toy Kingdom South Africa
Cape Aqua Minerale
and many individuals in their personal capacity giving so generously in donations and time!!

At the party each child receives the following: �
• A party pack, containing chips, sweets, chocolate and a cool drink�
• A slice of cake�
• A gift from Father Christmas to the value of about R150 each�
• An age appropriate book �
• A small meal for them to either eat there or later�
• An ice-cream �
• And the most important present a ride around the hospital grounds on a Harley Davidson!!

13 Nov 2017
Author Quagga Property Brokers
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